JCESR is an intellectual and scientific leader in next generation energy storage research. Our researchers have invented a wide and diverse range of technologies in the “beyond lithium-ion” space with a primary focus on flow, lithium-sulfur, multivalent and solid-state batteries. Since 2013, our cutting-edge science has generated more than 30 patents with additional patent applications currently pending.
We are committed to licensing JCESR-developed intellectual property to existing and start-up companies that are technically and financially capable of turning early-stage technology into commercial products. We work to negotiate fair and reasonable license agreements that are beneficial to both parties. We also collaborate with our licensees to help ensure these technologies are a success in the commercial world.
JCSER has also been developing other energy storage related technologies that include advanced membranes, supercapacitors, lithium-ion additives and cathode materials. To learn more about JCESR-funded inventions, please contact the inventing institution for the respective IP that you are interested in learning more about.