From the synthesis vial to the full cell: Electrochemical methods for characterizing active materials for redox flow batteries

Figure: Roadmap for transitioning charge-storage materials from synthesis to full cell testing, emphasizing experimental ordering in an iterative design-synthesize-characterize-learn framework.

Scientific Achievement

We describe foundational electrochemical methods in the context of redox flow batteries, discussing proper experimental methodology, data interpretation, and limitations for evaluating key properties that translate to device performance.

Significance and Impact

Inconsistent understanding of electrochemical principles, which are central to determining the efficacy of candidate flow battery electrolytes, can lead to mischaracterization of new materials, challenging comparative analyses across the community. This chapter aims to equip new entrants to the field with sufficient knowledge to identify and apply suitable electrochemical methods for the study of novel charge-storage materials.

Research Details

  • We outline a systematic approach for advancing new materials from synthesis to full cell implementation using various electroanalytical techniques along the way.
  • We discuss voltammetry and electrolysis methods within the scope of flow battery materials and contextualize these results in terms of significance to flow cells.
  • We introduce leading methodologies and cell formats for determining cycling stability alongside their advantages and drawbacks, considering experimental complexity, equipment accessibility, operational limitations, and data interpretation.

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DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-819723-3.00058-5

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