Featured Collaborators

JCESR collaborates with organizations from around the globe. For example, the Faraday Institution, inspired in part by JCESR, is the UK’s independent institute for electrochemical energy storage science and technology, supporting research, training, and analysis. The institution brings together scientists and industry partners on research projects to reduce battery cost, weight, and volume; to improve performance and reliability; and to develop whole-life strategies from mining to recycling to second use.

The Faraday Institution is the research vehicle for the Faraday Battery Challenge, which comprises a $317 million commitment over the next four years to develop, design and manufacture world-leading batteries in the UK. The program is split into three separate elements, delivered in parallel, to provide connectivity across research and innovation strands: research, innovation, and scale-up.

Go directly to the Faraday Institution website


We have reached a tipping point: the electric vehicle is becoming the preferred mode of transportation on grounds of efficiency, cost, and environmental footprint. Continued electrification is making a new economy and will reinvent sectors from transport to power generation and distribution and to banking. Electrical storage is the key technology to make this viable.

–Peter Littlewood, Executive Chair, The Faraday Institution

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