High-Efficiency Zinc-Metal Anode Enabled by Liquefied Gas Electrolytes

a-b. Voltage profile and corresponding CE during Zn plating/stripping testing in a Cu│Zn (10 mm) cell with 20% Zn utilization per cycle at room temperature (a) and -20°C (b) in liquefied gas electrolyte. c-d. TEM (c) and SEM (d) images for cycled Zn electrode. Zn anode samples were obtained from Zn|Zn symmetric cells at zero state of charge after 5 cycles with 0.5 mA cm–2, 0.5 mAh cm–2 per cycle.

Scientific Achievement

A liquefied gas electrolyte was developed for the 1st time for a bivalent chemistry. It displays an excellent Zn conductivity (>3.4 mS cm-1) across a broad temperature range (-60 to +20 °C), enables highly reversible Zn cycling with no evidence of shorting behavior at both room temperature and -20 °C for over 200 cycles (>400 h) with a high Coulombic efficiency (CE > 99%) at high utilization (20% Zn per cycle) for Zn  plating/stripping at both room temperature and -20°C.

Significance and Impact

This is a promising new direction to achieve a highly reversible Zn metal anode supporting high energy density rechargeable Zn metal batteries across a wide temperature range for Zn metal anode and Zn||Na2V6O16·1.63H2O full cells.

Research Details

  • The effect of this liquefied gas electrolyte on the Zn interphasial structure and chemistries was investigated using sputtering XPS, TEM-EDX and DFT calculations.

Combining sputtering XPS, TEM, XRF and DFT calculation, we revealed the potential capacity resource in this liquefied gas electrolyte when paired with Na2V6O16·1.63H2O as cathode

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