Current Collector Corrosion in Ca-Ion Batteries

C45 carbon black vs a capacitive CE, Ca-metal RE, and 0.1M Ca(OTf)2 + 1M TBA(OTf) in DMF electrolyte

Scientific Achievement

This study identified and verified corrosion of the metallic current collectors in a series of multivalent electrolyte/electrode systems; calcium based systems were shown to be particularly susceptible to corrosion.

Significance and Impact

Overall, corrosion needs to be considered carefully when testing and engineering Ca-ion batteries, but it should not be a roadblock to practical implementation.

Research Details

  • Corrosion observed when stainless steel is exposed to electrolyte and is catalyzed by transition metal oxides and/or carbon black, most likely due to supporting a higher electrical currents.
  • CV peaks corresponding to corrosion are reversible, resulting in possible misinterpretation of electrochemical data.

Work was performed at Argonne National Laboratory (JCESR partner) by A.L. Lipson, D.L. Proffit, B. Pan, T.T. Fister, C. Liao, A.K. Burrell, J.T. Vaughey, B.J. Ingram, “Current Collector Corrosion in Ca-Ion Batteries,” J. Electrochem. Soc. 162(8), A1574–A1578 (2015).

DOI: 10.1149/2.0811508jes

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